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homonym isotope isomer homograph collateral homophone uterine isobar heteronym isomerism assonance pun madrigal series polymeric similar doublet homologous annual allograft metameric bar chart opposition transmutation analogous half sister half brother superfecundation multiphase another is- consanguine iso- parallel heterothallic variation salmon homophonous polyphase homonymous enharmonic homograft two (or three, four, etc.) of a kind counterpart range resolution canon
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tautology isoenzyme spaceship tripling variant oyster Tweedledum and Tweedledee concert ladder fire spread identical different calendar spread scudo ringworm fraternal twin thermal transpiration counsel Urdu isomeric selfsame concurrent versions system perioecus signate matter opposite number marcasite half-sister half-brother outcross serial bonds emulator supermultiplet mosaic sow other together varisse meanwhile free variation text enquire half hangar job teem paronomasia cohabit tautegorical dissimilar and homophonic force monteith simultaneously uniform assorted monkflower isomorphic glasswort shift polymorphism isoform positron novel intramolecular Latin square prophet pachyderm equal such heterology one synchronism stereoscope Civil War crop rotation related likewise but double-book domain wave war equilateral crinoline disseminate heterozygous crossbreed derisive polysemy alloy change guerrilla unchanging identical twin vanquish government stupefied polyptoton draw straws pluralism counterpoint approximation coterminal indistinct irony structural auteur antiparticle polyphony variety vary compatriot conspecific equilibrium beholder synonymous new multitasking self range even atom food web concurrent kin parity differential chiaroscuro wage differential analogue rephrase colour white dwarf bad unitary league arbitrage ensemble allogeneic equality harmony model stabile flush homocentric is harmonize alike bay edition confocal price discrimination in diverge allotropy dimorphism very proportion coplanar stunned as much coxcomb phase oppositifolious contemporaneous unaltered so as distinction superfetation rewrite heteroplasty rotation tauto- multitask daily double version syndicate pry outstation opposite by the same token hyperlink two sides of the same coin observance monoecious heteromorphic Arianism single-foot blend structural isomer stereoisomer close polyglot floater OR allomorph contrapuntal cognate wayward are under the same roof idem at once occupation rotation of crops photosculpture comparable alliteration multi-user race riot allotransplant barrel equally newfangled like repetition ditto heterography leukemoid time sharing metamerism the best of both worlds commerce equipollent same various contradictory coessential rhomboid war-torn deviant alteration accent conterminous tautosyllabic abreast homo- commensurable tautozonal as good as with contemporary connatural coincident approximate se-tenant equable incongruity scarp linkage group strain reconcile id nation stranger ultrasound unison that translation double invariable line housemate virtual the Olympics groupware duplicity reconciliation harmonization trimorphism diglossia positive piecemeal inconsistency paraphrase reword breccia spurious would -ency this mirror image difference muon round translocation bioequivalence anew estoppel commensal ilk anti separate duplicate tie multiplet picul alternate monogamy allogenic polymerize otherwise sort of contrast haricot homoiousian tide boss still aberration equipotential unchanged unequal full miliolite muscadine churchwarden level i.q. IQ chrism then dollar stellionate organism equifinal get someone's wires crossed boilerplate polyfunctional tautologous peculiar be of one (or a different) mind heterophyllous hydrogen bond convergent homorganic stereoscopic multiple in canon converge atypical tautologize monoculture coherence dual pricing antilogy cudweed coordinate guipure all pair evidence overload suchlike once coincide polymetry in common with coincidentally coeval all at once kindred swift viol Arian trot sharp garnet exceptional otherness dispersion pound disparate interfere tint taut agree much verbatim twinborn tautophony power syn- coinstantaneous isosmotic after monoousious hair-raising bout incoherent heterogeneous square up Dacque's principle product line square mixoploid timesharing commonality kidney race relations bilingualism babel stateful time-sharing symmetry intercitizenship equifinality pleomorphism synonymy dual sourcing averaging information sharing polygamy cross-fertilization cross-promotion fugacity platter dominant sympathy ethnic consanguineous double-header it all amounts/comes to the same thing stamp multiplex reliable unusual wire tone-on-tone double insurance denomination distinctive blended colleague under siege cohesion heteromerous shift work global bond allotransplantation lateral (all) in one alongside cross-post community of interest allophone balancing/juggling act isoelectronic portfolio worker topical get your wires crossed to the day duplicate bridge phase diagram have/keep several balls in the air dimorphous mosaicism change (your) tack polytonality prime interlinear -pronged spread yourself too thin cross-functional juggling act in (or out of) phase cookie–cutter moulder incompatible distinguishable isomorphism all roads lead to Rome mixed pea broken ashlar succession redundant tautologic heterographic season indirect speech semblance dioecious distract exchange ethnic minority repertoire discriminating monopoly juxtapose metamer sync cup-tied in phase/out of phase heterodox anisotropic amphichrome single sourcing condensation parallel processing competition cross-selling stream transition point isodynamic eidograph interference polyoicous reskin gynomonoecious coherent diminutive sour–sweet semisolus relative steel emery amok imitation brick double star saleratus in miniature whopper homology moment hepato-pancreas subculture heterogametic lump sb/sth together be two sides of the same coin Holbein stitch isotropic integrant mutate distinct semiochemical comparatives decay intermarriage busted flush incongruous allotrope buzz situation comedy cluster gear sport conflict bonded privity simul at odds (with) continuum cross-reaction allele year on the one hand but on the other hand rhythm accordancy bendlet gray body fellow-creature nominalism thing time zone antoeci selves hiatus abridged praetor marriage ead alternant changing antoecians bill gowan crease ambiguous figure allachaesthesia stacking global integration diclinous price differential conjunction live toggle lose the battle but win the war marriage lite self-defeating pararhyme live together ultrasonic interfoliaceous coincidental class straight conjugate flat rate trunk call icicle contemporaries complementary complex spectrum complicated afresh jacquard butler xenogamy cybrid triglyceride bank switching equal opportunities allotypy Kronecker delta shop around sestina diffusion index comprehensive multiple pricing outlier speckle wavelength verdict carousel voting heterologous indirect elegant variation in the same breath pool sou-sou mensuration canon incompatibility patois contrary spin-off equal pay homogeneity market arbitrage transliterate ability grouping free piston ambigram secondary sexual characteristic mastodon two-tone numerically reappear serial number posting late-onset bimetallic strip colour bar tone language base triple reconciliation statement pseudoisochromatic rhyme antanaclasis phase converter color line ambivalent file locking if you can’t beat ’em join ’em network mix pincer movement conflation through-composed tautological polyploid series earth loop crossfire repertory dice estolide family disease ad eundem irregular stack diacritical articulated Box and Cox consort haplotype isomorph Mark 1/2/3 etc back blanket rate polyphyletic stone virelay double salt preternatural phycomycete ostensibly transformation defend subroutine size lancer accept minority homogenize brother bifurcate merging primitive whipsaw half blood orchestrion diverse antineutron axonometric commutative beating run double topsails Propliopithecus hound vendor vibration monomorphous unlike allo- otherguess academical homogenous generation monomorphic S level committor coincidence scolecospore toroid side order chairperson port peanut schizothymia carton somite SDSL cuppy byplay brad internal conversion gatefold side dish Darwin -oid tautonym reflecting circle subjectivism first among equals crystal sand alloantigen undertow brood parasite modalism simulcast flat adverb alternative Seebeck effect tombola one-woman gerund in and out acanthite proceed fil monosymmetric xenobiosis legal high skipjack lien couplet ritardando steel-blue volcanicity mark time flan sinistrorse bestow countermarch cheque morocco polygamia polypharmacy seam corymb contact t triiodothyronine permalancer dation in payment ute single-blind Rolle's theorem transposon reduplicative paramnesia meta–analysis carmine enantiotropy uniformity comparative stand method myeloma Technicolor differential screw allotype rhombus tri/cious zygosity varying sister suited horizontal many phenazone coextensive consistent ibidem isogenous cosignificative gynaecian kowtow changeless in tandem IB collingual cospecific concomitantly conformate just duo unanimous al ed root-form troll declination axis cultural arrack breed multifarious superset plasmid tautochronous the mixture as before tautophonical coetaneous notwithstanding boat bad cholesterol at grade shovegroat milliped phenate herself isochimenal single hectogramme in the same (or next) breath as much again himself allee samee autologous do likewise isochronal muchness same difference good cholesterol isophenous consubstantial consanguinean chain PDQ cross–date double whammy synesthesia token cophasal homometrical co- conformal diedral therewithal syntonic isocheimic isochimene quintuple-ribbed puh concentric as many webinar parallel bars compensation metonym same-store reassortant relativism chevrotain mixed melting point benchmark polarization relocation elm Ordovician warbler reinvent be (all) over bar the shouting polypeptide heterogeneity degree desperate colony margin in/out of phase time plane imposition diacritic count early-onset recombinant DNA switch two pair sideflash cubism anaglyph shotgun start relay apochromat hybrid set sth/sb apart mongrel meld compound number quixotic novice differential windlass gibbsite transfer balance knock-knock joke pansexuality carry-over synonym phantonym quasifission scene seer tropophyte humor leap

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Words For "the same but different"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the same but different" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the same but different" are: homonym, isotope, isomer, homograph, and collateral. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to the same but different listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the same but different" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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